The One Vitamin Recommended By Spine Surgeons for Sciatic Nerve Discomfort

  • Why our researchers hail this vitamin as the biggest sciatic nerve pain news in the past decade.
  • How it intercepts pain transmission to the nerve cells and stimulates your nerve regeneration.
  • How you can receive a 90-day supply of this “sciatic nerve vitamin” without risking a dime.
  • Director, Sciatica Research Center
    Michael Graham

Sciatic nerve pain doesn’t have to control your life. Our researchers have uncovered a powerful new vitamin that not only dissolves away the hopelessness sciatic nerve pain more effectively than turmeric & fish oil, but also without the side effects.

Hard to believe? You bet

But not when you understand how this vitamin:

  • Targets what doctors now believe is the real root cause of sciatic nerve pain.
  • Directs your body to target an “inflammatory protein” which is the main culprit of that searing type of pain you may be feeling.
  • Dissolves sciatic nerve discomfort in record time, and that means very soon you could say goodbye to searing, numbness, stabbing, or burning sensations.

That’s why there’s been a 10x increase of clinical studies in the past year on this new vitamin. And why our researchers hail this remedy as the biggest pain breakthrough in the past decade.

When you look at the results of the clinical trials and how this vitamin addresses the true cause of sciatic nerve pain, you’ll understand what I mean.

That’s because this discovery explains why the common remedies like...

...painkillers, injections, back stretches, therapies & even procedures don't always provide lasting results...

Do you realize what this means?

This vitamin could provide a working at home option for anyone with sciatic nerve pain.

Before I explain how it works, let me first spell out the root causes of sciatic nerve pain…

The True Reason Of What Is Causing Your Sciatic Nerve to Hurt

Do you see this photo?

Look closely.

Because even though it might not look like anything special…

…this "frayed rope" explains WHY your sciatic nerve is hurting…

New research from places like Harvard and Stanford...

Suggests that sciatic nerve pain isn’t caused solely by back injuries, the piriformis muscle, genetics, or spine disorders...

(like bulging discs, disc degeneration, or spinal stenosis)…

In fact, it may actually have to do with an inflammatory protein…

That is causing your sciatic nerve to look like a damaged frayed rope...

This discovery explains why the common remedies like...

...painkillers, injections, back stretches, therapies & even procedures don't always provide lasting results...

And can even make the pain WORSE over time…

So, if you have any of the following symptoms...

  • Moderate to severe pain in your lower back, buttocks, or legs.

  • Numbness in your lower back, buttocks, legs, or feet.

  • Dullness, Electric Shocks, or Burning.

  • “Pins and needles” feeling in your legs, toes, or feet.

It's important that you stop everything you're doing…

And read this article immediately to understand your condition before the damage gets any worse...

Especially if you are over the age of 50.

But before I explain why this is happening to you, let me first introduce myself...

Hi, my name is Michael Graham

First and foremost, I am a Husband, a Father, and a recent Grandfather…

But what I am most famous for is being a founder of

At our research firm we work with a variety of specialists including...

  • Harvard trained Medical Doctors
  • Spine Surgeons
  • Orthopedic Surgeons
  • And Doctors of Molecular Biology

We work with doctors & surgeons of this caliber, for one simple reason...

To help our clients solve their Sciatic Nerve Pain…

Because of our research, we’ve quickly become a thorn in the side of just about every surgeon & pharmaceutical company here in America…

For good reason…we’ve exposed their expensive procedures & drugs for what they really are…

Dangerous and potentially life-threatening.

Sure, they may provide temporary relief by numbing your brain.

But for many, they’re nothing more than an expensive band-aid.

Soon you might not even be able to walk, sleep, or sit…

Without someone having to help you…

Or even in some of the worst cases...

You can't even go to the bathroom on your own.

What they don't know is...

That many cases of sciatic nerve pain are actually due to a "inflammatory protein"...

When this protein takes over it activates a sequence of nerve destroying events that interferes with our body’s natural ability to heal…

Which cannot be solved with a brain-numbing drug or quick under-the-knife procedure…

So, if you’re suffering from sciatic nerve pain…

I can’t tell you how important it is for you to take action immediately and not wait until a full-blown crisis takes you down.

Why do conventional stretches, chiropractors, surgeons, and pain management doctors, have dismal success rates?


They are treating the wrong problem.

Every other sciatica & back pain solution out there makes 1 of 2 mistakes.

Mistake #1 Treating the Symptom Instead of the Cause

If you want to end the pain, you have to get RID of the source of the pain, not just try and mask the pain…

This is why other solutions out there like injections, creams, patches, braces, actually can leave you worse off than you were before…

I know that’s a bold claim, but I’ll prove it to you.

Take painkillers, for example.

Doctors love to prescribe them...

… So much so that we spend nearly 17.8 billion dollars every year on them.

This is despite the fact they have devastated entire communities.

And despite the fact that, when it comes to pain, the science is crystal clear...

Most Painkillers Are Completely Useless!

One group of Australian scientists looked at over 35 clinical studies on painkillers and concluded...

It is now clear that the three most widely used, and guideline-recommended medicines for spinal pain do not provide clinically important effects over placebo.”

In other words?

They’re good for nothing.

Then there’s the other study from the American Chemical Society that shows opioids can actually lead

“[...] chronic inflammation and heightened pain sensitivity…”

In other words, they actually cause pain...

… Making them even worse than useless.

You’d expect Doctors to pay attention to this stuff…

… But most of them just keep on tearing through their prescription pad.

Which just goes to show you just how “out of touch” they can be.

Most doctors have it all wrong.

They’re great when it comes to putting you together after a bad accident.

But they’re lousy at fixing things that can’t be cured with dangerous procedures or a pill.

Mistake #2: Thinking Spine Disorders are the Cause of Sciatic Nerve Pain…

Like, Bulging Discs, Disc Degeneration, Spinal Stenosis, & Back Injuries...

There is a paper published by the North American Spine Society…2

And it shows that “nearly 90% of individuals 60 years of age or older” have bulging discs or disc degeneration…

But absolutely NO pain symptoms.

And it’s not just people older than 60 either…

… More than half of people in their 30’s have some kind of “disc degeneration.”

And but again — NO pain.

It sounds almost unbelievable, right…?

… Especially since we’ve all been led to believe that if you have “disc problems” then you absolutely MUST have pain as well.

But that’s a bald-faced lie!

Just look at these charts from the same paper…

Do you see what this shows?

Despite what we’ve all been led to believe…

… Problems with our discs like degeneration, bulging, or herniation are actually completely normal.

These researchers concluded the same thing when they said that “disc problems” are...

“... part of the normal aging process rather than pathologic processes requiring intervention.”

One doctor even compared our “bulging discs” to “gray hair…”

… Showing that they DO NOT always indicate pain.

All Of This is Weird, Right?

Because, as I said, most doctors treat “bulging discs” like some kind of medical emergency...

But when you go in for an MRI and they tell you, your “bulging discs” are the cause of your sciatic nerve pain…

… It’s like saying gray hair causes your Alzheimers.

I know that sounds silly, but it’s exactly what’s happening.

And it’s why the “innocent-seeming” MRI can actually be so incredibly dangerous for people who don’t know this simple fact.

But the “rabbit hole” goes deeper.

Because while so many people have “bulging discs” but NO PAIN…

… There are a lot of people who have PAIN, but NO “bulging discs.”

(1 million patients every year, to be exact).

On top of that, you have the fact that spine surgery has been shown to completely FAIL in about 40% of people who get it.

How Do We Make Sense of All These Facts?

For me, there was only one conclusion to draw...

Something else must be causing our sciatic pain...

Now that you know who I am and my mission, let's get back to the root cause of sciatic nerve pain

So Where Does Sciatic Nerve Pain Start?

The problem is….For years scientists thought sciatic nerve pain was caused by injuries, disc problems, or tight muscles.

Dozens of new studies now show an entirely different part of your body may be at fault...

And it’s called your (IRS)
Inflammatory Response System.

After discovering this, I read everything I could get my hands on about inflammation...

What triggers it, how it works and why it causes so much pain...

In fact, what I learned explained exactly why none of the other treatments worked, and for those that did…why they didn’t last.

My first breakthrough came when I came across a paper published in the Pain Research Forum in May of 2020…

It was reporting on research from scientists at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston...

It stated that an obscure protein had emerged as the key perpetrator of pain...

What researchers discovered is an "inflammatory protein" called peptidase inhibitor 16 (or PI16 for short)...

And when this protein gets released, it drives inflammation through what’s known as a “Cytokine Storm”.

This “Cytokine Storm” is responsible for that raw, tender, burning sensation associated with nerve-based pains.

These same cells make your nerves super swollen and super sensitive.

When I first read this, I thought it had to be some sort of mistake.

Because every doctor I talked to said they were treating the inflammation.

But nothing worked.

Including anti-inflammatory medications and steroid shots.

I had to figure this out.

So I read over 114 studies and 25 chapters in 12 different medical textbooks on physiology and anatomy.

And sent emails to every doctor I knew who had any sort of background in neurology and immunology.

And while I still wasn’t clear on how exactly this information could help but I felt deep in my gut that the answer was hiding in there somewhere.

I just couldn’t connect the dots.

After many months more of research, this is what I was able to conclude…

PI16 makes your nerves more sensitive and amplifies the pain BUT it’s only the FIRST piece of a 3 part puzzle.

The Full 3 Piece Puzzle is called… “The Nerve Pain Triad”

The Nerve Pain Triad is a series of biochemical reactions consisting of three distinct phases…

That can take healthy nerves and turn them into looking like a "frayed rope"...

  • Starting 1st with Inflammation

  • 2nd with Muscle Tension

  • and lastly, 3rd with Scarring

The problem is that it’s a perpetual cycle. And unless you break the cycle, it simply repeats.

That’s why so many people suffer from repeating pain.

However, if you can stop the cycle you may be able to stop it dead in its tracks.

You may be able to relieve the back, hip, leg, and, butt pain commonly associated with spine disorders & sciatic nerve pain...

And it doesn’t matter how bad or irritated your nerves are.

What other treatments you’ve already tried…or how long you’ve been living with it.

Because unless you tackle the REAL problem… The “Nerve Pain Triad” nothing will take your agonizing pain away for long.

Simply put, stop the “Nerve Pain Triad”… and YOU get your life back.

As it turns out the PI16 Protein is part of the “Nerve Pain Triad”.

The problem is that PI16 doesn’t work alone.

Inflammation is just the beginning.

With each flare up your body then tries to heal itself and it does that through phases 2 and 3 of the Nerve Pain Triad.

Have you ever noticed how tight and tender your muscles can get when your sciatic nerve is irritated?

Muscles in your back, hips, legs, and calves get all knotted up.

Well, the second phase of the Nerve Pain Triad is muscle tension.

And unfortunately, muscle tension soon becomes a BIG part of the problem.

You see, reactive muscle tension involves a wide range of muscles in the lower back and hips.

And one muscle in particular that can cause MAJOR problems with the sciatic nerve is the “Piriformis Muscle”.

In some cases, the sciatic nerve passes right through the muscle.

But that’s not the only muscle involved, other muscles like the Superior Gemellus Muscle,

Also come into direct contact with the sciatic nerve and all the other nerves in your back and legs.

And at some point can irritate and even compress them when they’re in spasm can do long term damage to the surrounding nerves.

The knots and trigger points can also cause all sorts of pain.

You know the ones. Deep pressure on them hurts, but it’s like a “hurts so good” kind of pain.

Those tender trigger points are basically localized muscle spasms and when muscles are constantly under tension…

They can cut off blood supply to the area AND strangle the sciatic nerve.

That’s why other solutions rarely fix the problem.

Which brings me to phase 3 of the Nerve Pain Triad…Fibrosis.

Now Fibrosis is just a fancy word for scar tissue.

And if you think about it…It makes sense that your body… would try to create scar tissue during the healing process.

You can think of it as an internal scab and while it can be useful in some cases…

Scar tissue caused by inflammation often causes more problems than it solves.

Especially when it comes to the sciatic nerve.

And just like muscle tension can compress and irritate your nerves.

Fibrosis can trap the nerves in a web of scar tissue.

Causing a flare up at any time.

Everything from picking up your grandchildren, to bending over in the garden, or playing golf can trigger severe pain.

And until you address all three phases of the Nerve Pain Triad... sciatic nerve pain will be a part of your life.

When I learned this, I was shocked, but excited.

What if I could find a way to help the body stop the Nerve Pain Triad?

I knew deep down that if I could do that we might never have to worry about sciatic nerve pain again.

See, sciatic nerve pain is a result of the nerve pain triad that I mentioned earlier.

In other words sciatic nerve pain is your body’s reaction to when you’re deficient in certain key nerve nutrients.

So it makes sense that the quickest way to relieve sciatic nerve discomfort is to break up the nerve pain triad by providing your body the nutrients that its deficient in.

This Explains Why Common Treatments Fail Many Adults Over 50

  • Chiropractic and stretches may give a nice pressure relief, but do nothing for the Nerve Pain Triad.

  • Advil and Ibuprofen work for temporary pain relief, but do nothing for the Nerve Pain Triad.

  • Topical Analgesics like Lidocaine may “numb” the pain a little, but do nothing for the Nerve Pain Triad.

  • Back Braces and Other Gadgets may help give you that instant relief, but do nothing for the Nerve Pain Triad.

  • Massage and Other Therapies are relaxing and nice, but do nothing for the Nerve Pain Triad.

  • Painkillers are dangerous & addictive, and just mask the symptoms of pain, but do nothing for the Nerve Pain Triad.

So in summary, all these solutions just mask the "pain", instead of fighting against the Nerve Pain Triad...

And it doesn’t matter what other solutions you’ve already tried…or how long you’ve been living with it...

Unless You Address the "Nerve Pain Triad" You May Be Stuck With The Pain Forever...

Now that I discovered this…

Next was figuring out HOW to fix it…

I spent years trying to help people with pain caused by all sorts of health complications…

But when it came to sciatic nerve pain causing back, buttocks, and leg pain…

The painkiller formulas I was formulating weren’t getting them the results they so desperately needed…

But what if I could find a way to help the body support sciatic nerve health and not just cover up the pain?

In order to do this, I had to figure out how to replenish these nerve nutrients from the inside-out...

This special vitamin supports a healthy inflammatory response.

I almost gave up, but then I came upon a little-known study, in PubMed.Gov…

It mentioned an odd “vitamin” that had been used in Italy to treat nerve pain & neuropathy for many years...

Could this vitamin also help with the inflammatory protein causing sciatic nerve pain?

It’s called AlphaPalm (ALA+Palmitoylethanolamide) and it turns out it’s one of the easiest, most effective ways to fight against Phase 1 of the Nerve Pain Triad …

When you ingest AlphaPalm, it's like having an army of white knights fight all the enemy proteins & molecules in your body that are wreaking havoc on your nerve cells…

And because it does that, that means AlphaPalm helps fight against the “Cytokine Storm” …

Which is a key contributor to Phase 1 of the Nerve Pain Triad!

The studies behind this vitamin had me blown away…

One study showed it was effective as a treatment for people with failed back surgery...

On top of that, a study published in the American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation stated "it has the potential to accelerate the process of nerve healing in the context of Sciatic Nerve Crush Injury."5

And if that isn't enough proof for ya...There are sixteen (16) other clinical trials on this vitamin and its effects on pain...

After just three weeks, both groups of people taking “AlphaPalm” experienced significantly better pain relief compared to the placebo.

Those taking the higher dosage did the best of all.

And not only that, but studies show that this vitamin can relieve anxiousness, encourage a positive mood, and promote sound sleep.

This means you can start noticing a difference within the first few days!

All of which can be very helpful when you're under the stress of sciatic nerve pain.

And best part of all, it only takes 7-Seconds a day to take!

No wonder people are so obsessed with this new ritual!

Just listen to what customers online are saying about AlphaPalm…

It worked the very first time I took it

“I've been taking it for 3 months and it worked the very first time I took it."

“I have less pain and I'm able to do things that I couldn't do before"

“And I will continue to use this as a daily supplement. I take 2 two times a day and I feel it just keeps me going"

It worked amazingly for my sciatic nerve pain

"After my first bottle, I was feeling A LOT different..."

"My leg wasn't so stiff, and it wasn't so sleepy & heavy"

"By the next bottle it was even better, then the next bottle it was the best it's ever been"

"This stuff works, it does well, it works. Thank you"

AlphaPalm Works Great - But if you take only that 1 vitamin you will be neglecting the rest of the Nerve Pain Triad.

After months of researching clinical data, we discovered an even more potent formulation.

After trying it out…We were amazed to discover it was even MORE effective.

And while that was surprising, what was even more astonishing was that people who tried it out…saw even better results than before!

It turns out that while each one of the 12 ingredients is powerful enough on its own…

Together they create a medley of supernutrients that rejuvenate your entire body.

So you’ll not only help support your sciatic nerve health…

But you’ll feel healthier, happier, and younger than you have in years!

The next four “Nerve Pain Triad” ingredients in the formula are…

  • Feverfew Extract

    Behaves as a potent discomfort reliever in joints & nerves.13

  • Passionflower Extract

    Findings suggest it may be useful for relieving nerve discomfort.14

  • Chinese Skullcap Extract

    Contains a variety of active compounds with multiple biological functions, such as antioxidation and anti-inflammatory effects.15

  • Oatstraw Extract

    Findings suggest that it might be useful for relieving nerve discomfort because of its ability to relax the body.18

All of which help to neutralize Phase Two of the nerve pain triad…

This combination works wonders in helping you calm tense muscle groups due to our modern sedentary lifestyle…

But the process wouldn't be complete
if we didn't address Phase 3 of the "Nerve Pain Triad"…

ALCAR is among the best for this…

Acetylcarnitine (ALCAR) is an amino acid that fuels energy production in your cells.

What is super special about ALCAR is that it promotes nerve growth factor (NGF), which stimulates your nerve regeneration.

The says… “It's believed to be involved in nerve cell function and regeneration.6

Wayne State University School of Medicine performed two randomized placebo-controlled trials on 1,257 people...

"Conclusions: These studies demonstrate that ALC treatment is efficacious in alleviating symptoms, particularly pain, and improves nerve fiber regeneration and vibration perception in patients with established diabetic neuropathy."7

Pretty perfect for Phase 3 isn’t it?

Buyer beware…We found other “pain relief supplements” not sciatic nerve focused— so we designed one that suits your needs

Why Choose SciatiEase© ?

Why Choose SciatiEase© ?

  • Inflammation Blend (900mg)
  • Muscle Tension Blend (1000mg)
  • Nerve Growth Blend (500mg)
  • Fast-Acting Blend (600mg)
  • Full 30-Day Supply

I know that was a lot of science to take in...

But I wanted you to see how this phenomenal mixture of 12 vitamins is chock full of all the nutrients your body needs to feel its best.

And now that you see the scientific proof & facts of the ingredients...

You can clearly see that these 12 vitamins are unlike anything else out there...

The truth is, I honestly feel everyone has a right to feel their best.

And after seeing how many have suffered out there, when there’s a natural, safe, and effective solution that works…

Well, I knew I had to step in and change things for the better.

I refuse to accept mediocrity.

That’s why I spent months researching each and every ingredient just to make sure you get the very best.

And I’m confident that once you try it you’ll be able to adapt and overcome any obstacles in your path.

When you address the “Nerve Pain Triad” and break the vicious cycle…

These 12 vitamins can help...

  • Ease Discomfort and Stiffness
  • Boost Endurance
  • Restore Mobility
  • Relieve Stress
  • Improve Flexibility
  • Help with Sleep
  • Strengthen Muscles

Get ready to see discomfort relieved and nerve health restored… with all 12 Vitamins in SciatiEase©

The truth is... if you want to support your sciatic nerve health and no longer want to neglect it.

Then the full spectrum 12-Vitamins of SciatiEase is exactly what you need.

It's specifically designed to help ease nerve discomfort by supporting “Sciatic Nerve Health”.

And fighting against the "Nerve Pain Triad".

The science-backed vitamins in SciatiEase can help you feel better than you have in months or perhaps even years.

So, if you’re ready to finally feel like you're in control of your own life...

Then SciatiEase is for you.

Where Can I Buy SciatiEase & Take the
90-Day Sciatic Nerve Challenge?

If you want access, you’ll need to meet two simple qualifications first.

Criteria #1: I don’t want SciatiEase to just sit on your shelf.

If you buy it, I want you to take it… and get the full benefits.

If you want to get true results, you need to commit to taking SciatiEase every day… rain or shine.

Criteria #2: You don’t need to be a Navy SEAL to know there are no quick fixes.

Real change takes time.

That’s why you must be committed to taking SciatiEase for the long term.

Believe me, the first time I tried out SciatiEase, I felt like a new person.

There’s nothing like the feeling of being in control of your body again.

But that great feeling of being able to move again - didn’t stop there.

The longer I took SciatiEase, the better I felt.

That’s why I recommend you order at least a 3-month supply.

It’s the best way to make sure you always have enough SciatiEase on hand.

If you fit the two criteria I mentioned above, then you qualify for a special discount.

This Discount Will Automatically Be
Applied, However, If You Leave This Page
You Lose it Forever...

Normally, we’d charge at least $100 a bottle.

As I mentioned earlier, SciatiEase contains a powerful medley of vitamins specifically formulated to support sciatic nerve health.

Each one of the 12 ingredients has been checked for potency, purity, and safety.

And to make sure we have the highest quality, we source our ingredients from all over the world.

Individually, the cost of these ingredients could add up to more than $200--and some ingredients can’t even be bought in a store.

However our proprietary formulation allows us to bring the cost down to just $100.

At that price, we’ve sold tens of thousands of bottles.

However, we understand that times are hard right now and we don’t want you to be priced out of the benefits of SciatiEase.

That’s why we’ve decided to slash the price to just $69 a bottle, so that everyone who wants to has a chance to get their own supply of SciatiEase.

No one should have to suffer, just because they’re short on money.

That’s just $2.30 a day…

… less than the cost of a candy bar.

That’s more than 30% off the regular price!

Now while that’s a pretty steep discount…

… the more bottles you buy, the bigger discount we can give you.

So you could end up getting all the benefits of SciatiEase for just $1.63 a day!

Plus, when you accept a 3-month starter kit, you'll get three bottles for even cheaper along with FREE shipping.

Just check the “Best Value” box below and we'll rush you your 3-month supply of SciatiEase.

Oh, and one last thing…

SciatiEase isn’t sold in stores.

It’s the best way to make sure you don’t pay a penny more for SciatiEase than you have to.

So if you want to take advantage of this special discount, I suggest you get your own supply right now.

In a few short moments, you'll see a big yellow button that says “add to cart.”

Click it, and you’ll be taken to the order page.

Once you choose the package that’s right for you, you’ll be taken straight to a secure order page.

Fill out all of the details, and click the order button.

You’ll get your first order of SciatiEase right to your doorstep in just 5-7 business days.

But before you get your supply of SciatiEase…

I want to make sure you feel completely comfortable with your decision.

That’s why I’d like to offer you…

Our “Try It Before You Buy It” Guarantee

I’m so sure you'll be happy with SciatiEase, that I’d like to give you a full 180 days to try it out. Order it, try it out.

If after 180 days you’re not absolutely thrilled with the results…

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That's quite a bargain, considering that you can get a no-questions-asked refund---if you don’t get the kind of relief we’ve spelled out here.

When you add up all the pain-saving advantages and our 100% 90-day money back guarantee-I think you II agree it's an irresistibly attractive offer -and a diamond-studded opportunity to regain the feeling of being in control of your body again.

Remember, you risk nothing if you get the kind of relief we’ve promised here. So why not accept the 3-month starter kit and see the difference it makes in your life?

Listen, I’m just a regular guy.

We’re a family-run business, not a big, faceless corporation that’s out to fleece you.

After everything I have been through, we just want to help others get their lives back again.

I strongly believe each and every person has an obligation to make this world a better place, in whatever way they can.

It’s just the right thing to do.

And if that means I can help just a few more people…

and live the life they’ve been dreaming of…

… then I’ve done my job.

So right now, you have two choices.


You can keep fighting to get through another day…

Praying you can make it through…

And hoping your spouse and family don’t get sick of you…

Leaving you all alone.


Or you can refuse to be broken and rise again as the powerful warrior you’re meant to be.

All you have to do is try out SciatiEase.

And you won’t have to worry anymore.

Instead, you’ll be able to defy the odds and start living a whole new life.

You’ll be unstoppable.

Click the button below to get started.

Remember, there’s no telling how long this will be in stock.

I don’t want to see you without the one thing you need to make a huge difference in your life.

So don’t wait - click the "Add to Cart" button below to get started.

Here’s What Others Are Saying About SciatiEase®

"I have meticulously reviewed countless pain relieving supplements and found SciatiEase to be one of a kind."

If you've been suffering from sciatic nerve discomfort, I recommend SciatiEase.

Dr. Karen Vieira, PhD, MSM

*Dr. Karen was compensated fairly to give her honest review of the ingredients in SciatiEase, obviously, doctors don't work for free!

Thank Goodness there is SciatiEase

“Thank Goodness there is SciatiEase, it’s made with a powerful blend of nutrients for sciatic nerve discomfort. If you suffer from sciatic nerve discomfort, you really need to try SciatiEase”

Best Decision I’ve Made

“Thank God I found out about SciatiEase, I ordered a 6 month supply, and right away I noticed a big difference!”

What have you got to lose?

“I heard about SciatiEase and thought I would give it a shot, so I ordered a 6 month supply and MAN, has this been a game changer. This is a great product and if you have not tried this for your sciatic nerve discomfort, then I highly urge you to give it a shot. What have you got to lose?"

I No Long Have to Worry About Being a Burden

Now I don’t have to worry about being a burden to my family and I can keep up with my kids. I have been able to stay active so I don't have to worry about gaining extra weight which can lead to more health problems. If you haven't tried SciatiEase yet, I highly recommend it.

*Some reviews above received compensation (such as a free bottle) for their review & likeness, when someone does something nice for us we believe in giving back :)

SciatiEase® FAQs

Will it work for me?

Every person is different, but SciatiEase® is remarkably effective for nearly everyone who’s tried it. It contains well studied ingredients with tons of evidence showing their efficacy. But if for any reason you’re not satisfied with SciatiEase, remember that you can always return it and receive 100% of your investment back.

What are the ingredients in SciatiEase?

Each bottle contains 30 servings to last you 30 days of use. Here’s exactly what’s in your SciatiEase capsules:

How is SciatiEase different from everything else I've tried?

SciatiEase® works by providing support for sciatic nerve health, instead of just masking the pain.

How does SciatiEase compare to other similar supplements?

SciatiEase is a Trademarked and Registered Brand, however, that has not stopped copy-cat products from popping up. Unfortunately, these other brands deceive you by using ineffective dosages of the active ingredients or trick you by selling 60 capsule bottles (take 4 a day, so it only lasts 15 days)...

We highly recommend buying the real "SciatiEase" directly on our website to avoid any confusion. And to make sure you are getting the effective dosages and a bottle that last the full 30+ days.

How do I take it?

How quickly does it work?

You will start to see mood, sleep, & energy benefits very quickly, that can dramatically reduce the perception of discomfort.

As for nourishing & supporting proper nerve function, this won’t happen overnight, our formula uses the most bioavailable form of each ingredient so that the ingredients absorb into your system faster than other supplements.

Some customers have seen results in as little as a week, while for most it will take 3-6 months to get the best results.

Each case is different - and a number of factors can influence the amount of time it’ll take to see improvement. We strongly recommend taking SciatiEase® for at least 4-6 months for your best chance at success.

We also understand that despite the great success rate with our formula, it won’t work for everyone. Which is why we offer a 180-Day guarantee on your most recent order. If SciatiEase® doesn’t work for you, we give you an entire year to request a refund (minus s&h) on your most recent order.

Are there any side effects?

All of the ingredients inside of SciatiEase® are safe and haven’t been shown to have any significant side effects. However, since every person is different, make sure to always talk to your Doctor about whether SciatiEase® is right for you.

Can I take SciatiEase along with my current medications?

The naturally occurring ingredients in SciatiEase® are generally safe to take with prescription medications, but we recommend consulting with your physician or pharmacist first.

Because some prescriptions can temporarily inhibit the body’s ability to absorb nutrients, we recommend taking SciatiEase® either 30 mins before or after taking your prescriptions. This will ensure more of the ingredients in SciatiEase® are absorbed into your system.

What is the shelf life?

Each bottle is stamped with a “Date of Manufacture” (DOM), we recommend you use the product within 24 months of the DOM.

What does the medical community think about these products?

Two PHds (Doctors) have reviewed and given their stamp of approval on all the ingredients in our SciatiEase® formula.

Am I going to be on any sort of subscription or auto-shipment?

No, we only offer a one-time-purchase to avoid any confusion. If you like the product we trust you'd come back on your own.

Where is the product manufactured?

We proudly manufacture each and every component locally in Tampa, FL. We don’t outsource any of our customer service positions overseas and proudly support the local economy.

What are the active ingredients?

Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxal HCL) – 8mg

B6 is used for the maintenance of a healthy nervous system.* Although the daily value may seem high, most supplements you purchase online are between 50mg-100mg.


Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin) – 4mg

Vitamin B12 is used for the maintenance of a healthy nervous system.* Methyl-B12 absorbs more effectively than the most common form of B12 (cyanocobalamin) used in most supplements. Although the daily value may seem high, most supplements you purchase online are between 3mg-5mg.


Benfotiamine (Vitamin B1) – 300mg

Vitamin B12 is used for the maintenance of a healthy nervous system.* Benfotiamine is similar to thiamine (vitamin B1), but is absorbed by the body better than thiamine. The body changes benfotiamine to thiamine. Most comparable supplements do not have the full dose of 300mg. SciatiEase does.


Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) – 600mg

PEA is so effective because it reduces inflammation at the peripheral site of pain, making it one of the most effective pain relievers in existence.

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) – 300mg

Most comparable supplements do not have the full dose of 600mg. SciatiEase does.

Acetyl l-Carnitine (ALCAR)– 500mg

ALCAR has many benefits, most comparable supplements do not have the full dose of 500mg. SciatiEase does.

Feverfew Herb Extract

Feverfew Herb Extract has been used for 1,000s of years & many report that it can help with occasional discomfort and promote a healthy inflammation response. Although, there is no clinical studies that this “ancient remedy” is better than NSAIDs in doing that, our clients really enjoy taking this natural extract.

Passion Flower Herb Extract

Passion Flower Herb Extract has been used for 1,000s of years & many report that it can help with occasional discomfort and promote a healthy inflammation response. Although, there is no clinical studies that this “ancient remedy” is better than NSAIDs in doing that, our clients really enjoy taking this natural extract.

Skullcap Root Extract

Skullcap Root Extract has been used for 1,000s of years & many report that it can help with occasional discomfort and promote a healthy inflammation response. Although, there is no clinical studies that this “ancient remedy” is better than NSAIDs in doing that, our clients really enjoy taking this natural extract.

Oat Straw Herb Extract

Oat Straw Herb Extract has been used for 1,000s of years & many report that it can help with occasional discomfort and promote a healthy inflammation response. Although, there is no clinical studies that this “ancient remedy” is better than NSAIDs in doing that, our clients really enjoy taking this natural extract.

[Disclaimer: The above portion was written by a team member of, below Dr. Ali, has been compensated to review the ingredients of SciatiEase®, below is his honest review]

My Honest Review of SciatiEase®

If you experience discomfort along the sciatic nerve on a regular basis, and if you don’t prefer consuming foods that can naturally ease your sciatic nerve discomfort you should think about taking SciatiEase.

SciatiEase is a great supplement that contains all of these beneficial ingredients in a single capsule that can help alleviate the occasional discomfort that you might be currently feeling. SciatiEase ingredients are some of the most researched and well documented herbs & vitamins.

However, for your safety and health when deciding whether or not to use a supplement, consult your healthcare professional. They can assist you in finding a balance between the foods and nutrients you require.

How does the guarantee work again?

Once you place your order of SciatiEase® you have a full 180 days to try it for yourself. If for any reason during that time you’re not 100% satisfied, simply send an email to [email protected] and you’ll receive every dime of your investment back — no hassle, and no questions asked.

You’ll find this email listed on our website, in your confirmation email and in every delivery of SciatiEase® you receive.

What if I have other questions?

If you have any questions during your experience, feel free to contact our U.S. based support team at our support email [email protected] or via phone (844) 361-1273. You can always find both our email and phone number listed on our website.

How do I get started?

All you have to do is click the button below to place your order. Remember that since you’re on this page, you get our “Invest More, Save more” discount, which means that the more you buy the more you save. Once you place your order, you should have it on your doorstep within 5-7 days depending on where you live.


12 Studied Antioxidants, Herbs, & Vitamins that work day and night to keep you comfortable, healthy, and happy.

Here's What to Expect Next...

After you click through this page, you’ll be taken to our secure order page that’s protected by a 256-bit encryption system…

… This is the same level of security used by companies like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart, so your information is always 100% protected.

Simply enter your
shipping details…

… Then, depending on where you live, you should have your very first supply of SciatiEase® at your doorstep within just 5-7 days.

(Shipping is 100% free for 3 bottles or more by the way).

Now, when your package arrives on your doorstep…

… Here’s what I want you to do.

Take the recommended dosages per day...

...And then watch carefully... close attention to how you feel…

...Because if you’re not 100% satisfied with the quality you get from SciatiEase®, then I want you to send us an email so we can return every single dime of your investment — no questions asked.


If SciatiEase® doesn’t work exactly like I say it does…

… You don’t owe us one red cent.

So click the button below now to order your
6-month supply, or whatever amount makes the most sense to you...

Here's exactly what you'll get in the mail when you decide to order...

#1: Your delivery box of SciatiEase...

And #2: your instruction letter...

Now that you have all the info you need,
click below to get started on your order...

SciatiEase® FAQs

What are the ingredients in SciatiEase?

Each bottle contains 30 servings to last you 30 days of use. Here’s exactly what’s in your SciatiEase capsules:

How is SciatiEase different from everything else I've tried?

SciatiEase® works by providing support for sciatic nerve health, instead of just masking the pain.

How does SciatiEase compare to other similar supplements?

SciatiEase is a Trademarked and Registered Brand, however, that has not stopped copy-cat products from popping up. Unfortunately, these other brands deceive you by using ineffective dosages of the active ingredients or trick you by selling 60 capsule bottles (take 4 a day, so it only lasts 15 days)...

We highly recommend buying the real "SciatiEase" directly on our website to avoid any confusion. And to make sure you are getting the effective dosages and a bottle that last the full 30+ days.

Will it work for me?

Every person is different, but SciatiEase® is remarkably effective for nearly everyone who’s tried it. It contains well studied ingredients with tons of evidence showing their efficacy. But if for any reason you’re not satisfied with SciatiEase, remember that you can always return it and receive 100% of your investment back.

How do I take it?

How quickly does it work?

You will start to see mood, sleep, & energy benefits very quickly, that can dramatically reduce the perception of discomfort.

As for nourishing & supporting proper nerve function, this won’t happen overnight, our formula uses the most bioavailable form of each ingredient so that the ingredients absorb into your system faster than other supplements.

Some customers have seen results in as little as a week, while for most it will take 3-6 months to get the best results.

Each case is different - and a number of factors can influence the amount of time it’ll take to see improvement. We strongly recommend taking SciatiEase® for at least 4-6 months for your best chance at success.

We also understand that despite the great success rate with our formula, it won’t work for everyone. Which is why we offer a 180-Day guarantee on your most recent order. If SciatiEase® doesn’t work for you, we give you an entire year to request a refund (minus s&h) on your most recent order.

Are there any side effects?

All of the ingredients inside of SciatiEase® are safe and haven’t been shown to have any significant side effects. However, since every person is different, make sure to always talk to your Doctor about whether SciatiEase® is right for you.

Can I take SciatiEase along with my current medications?

The naturally occurring ingredients in SciatiEase® are generally safe to take with prescription medications, but we recommend consulting with your physician or pharmacist first.

Because some prescriptions can temporarily inhibit the body’s ability to absorb nutrients, we recommend taking SciatiEase® either 30 mins before or after taking your prescriptions. This will ensure more of the ingredients in SciatiEase® are absorbed into your system.

What is the shelf life?

Each bottle is stamped with a “Date of Manufacture” (DOM), we recommend you use the product within 24 months of the DOM.

What does the medical community think about these products?

Two PHds (Doctors) have reviewed and given their stamp of approval on all the ingredients in our SciatiEase® formula.

Am I going to be on any sort of subscription or auto-shipment?

No, we only offer a one-time-purchase to avoid any confusion. If you like the product we trust you'd come back on your own.

Where is the product manufactured?

We proudly manufacture each and every component locally in Tampa, FL. We don’t outsource any of our customer service positions overseas and proudly support the local economy.

What are the active ingredients?

Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxal HCL) – 8mg

B6 is used for the maintenance of a healthy nervous system.* Although the daily value may seem high, most supplements you purchase online are between 50mg-100mg.


Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin) – 4mg

Vitamin B12 is used for the maintenance of a healthy nervous system.* Methyl-B12 absorbs more effectively than the most common form of B12 (cyanocobalamin) used in most supplements. Although the daily value may seem high, most supplements you purchase online are between 3mg-5mg.


Benfotiamine (Vitamin B1) – 300mg

Vitamin B12 is used for the maintenance of a healthy nervous system.* Benfotiamine is similar to thiamine (vitamin B1), but is absorbed by the body better than thiamine. The body changes benfotiamine to thiamine. Most comparable supplements do not have the full dose of 300mg. SciatiEase does.


Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) – 600mg

PEA is so effective because it reduces inflammation at the peripheral site of pain, making it one of the most effective pain relievers in existence.

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) – 300mg

Most comparable supplements do not have the full dose of 600mg. SciatiEase does.

Acetyl l-Carnitine (ALCAR)– 500mg

ALCAR has many benefits, most comparable supplements do not have the full dose of 500mg. SciatiEase does.

Feverfew Herb Extract

Feverfew Herb Extract has been used for 1,000s of years & many report that it can help with occasional discomfort and promote a healthy inflammation response. Although, there is no clinical studies that this “ancient remedy” is better than NSAIDs in doing that, our clients really enjoy taking this natural extract.

Passion Flower Herb Extract

Passion Flower Herb Extract has been used for 1,000s of years & many report that it can help with occasional discomfort and promote a healthy inflammation response. Although, there is no clinical studies that this “ancient remedy” is better than NSAIDs in doing that, our clients really enjoy taking this natural extract.

Skullcap Root Extract

Skullcap Root Extract has been used for 1,000s of years & many report that it can help with occasional discomfort and promote a healthy inflammation response. Although, there is no clinical studies that this “ancient remedy” is better than NSAIDs in doing that, our clients really enjoy taking this natural extract.

Oat Straw Herb Extract

Oat Straw Herb Extract has been used for 1,000s of years & many report that it can help with occasional discomfort and promote a healthy inflammation response. Although, there is no clinical studies that this “ancient remedy” is better than NSAIDs in doing that, our clients really enjoy taking this natural extract.

[Disclaimer: The above portion was written by a team member of, below Dr. Ali, has been compensated to review the ingredients of SciatiEase®, below is his honest review]

My Honest Review of SciatiEase®

If you experience discomfort along the sciatic nerve on a regular basis, and if you don’t prefer consuming foods that can naturally ease your sciatic nerve discomfort you should think about taking SciatiEase.

SciatiEase is a great supplement that contains all of these beneficial ingredients in a single capsule that can help alleviate the occasional discomfort that you might be currently feeling. SciatiEase ingredients are some of the most researched and well documented herbs & vitamins.

However, for your safety and health when deciding whether or not to use a supplement, consult your healthcare professional. They can assist you in finding a balance between the foods and nutrients you require.

How does the guarantee work again?

Once you place your order of SciatiEase® you have a full 180 days to try it for yourself. If for any reason during that time you’re not 100% satisfied, simply send an email to [email protected] and you’ll receive every dime of your investment back — no hassle, and no questions asked.

You’ll find this email listed on our website, in your confirmation email and in every delivery of SciatiEase® you receive.

What if I have other questions?

If you have any questions during your experience, feel free to contact our U.S. based support team at our support email [email protected] or via phone (844) 361-1273. You can always find both our email and phone number listed on our website.

How do I get started?

All you have to do is click the button below to place your order. Remember that since you’re on this page, you get our “Invest More, Save more” discount, which means that the more you buy the more you save. Once you place your order, you should have it on your doorstep within 5-7 days depending on where you live.


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